Konferensbidrag (sida 3 av 6)
- Zander, U. (2015). ”’All I can say is that I saw it, and it is the truth.’ Jan Karski, Poland and the Holocaust 1940–2014”.
- Andersson, P. (2014). The Fustian Swagger : Dress and Body Language in the Self-Presentations of the Lower Classes, c. 1870-1910.
- Fryksén, G. (2014). Konsulsfamiljen Tulin af Tunisien, 1779-1882.
- Fryksén, G. (2014). Network South : Swedish Consul George Logie as intermediary of trade, diplomacy and covert associations in North Africa and the Mediterranean, c. 1725-1766.
- Fryksén, G. (2014). Swedish merchants, consuls & beratlıs in Ottoman North Africa and the Levant, 1729–1792.
- Lundberg, B. (2014). Tid för friluftsliv : temporala perspektiv på naturumgänget i den svenska scoutrörelsen ca 1910–60.
- Persson, H. (2014). Att definiera, identifiera och kvalificera kunskapsutveckling i historia.
- Pries, J. & Brink Pinto, A. (2014). The antifascist blockades in Lund 1991-1993 : Shifting repertoires of contention between local cultures of protest and trans-local connections.
- Werner, Y. M. (2014). ‘The Catholic danger’ : Anti-Catholicism and the formation of Scandinavian national identity.
- Zander, U. (2014). Founding Father in the West Wing : John Adams in the Television Era.
- Fryksén, G. (2013). The Inner Life of Consulates: Swedish Families in the North African Regencies, c. 1729-1766.
- Peix Geldart, B. (2013). Svenska syndikalister i Francos arkiv. Kontakter mellan SAC och spanska CNT 1937-38. I Hansson, L. (Red.) Fokus på arbetarhistoria.Texter från arbetarhistorikermötet i Landskrona i maj 2011/ Skrifter från Centrum för Arbetarhistoria 6 (pp. 99-115). Centrum för Arbetarhistoria.
- Persson, H. (2013). Kunskapsutveckling i historia.
- Stenfeldt, J. (2013). Negotiating the Experience of Communism. Rhetorical Strategies and Uses of History.
- Östlund, J. (2013). Everyday Life in Ottoman Algiers through the eyes of Johan Fredrik Schultze, 1810-1847.
- Östlund, J. (2013). New Sources to the History of Algiers during the Ottoman Era: The Algerian-Swedish documents in the National Archives of Sweden as a source for historical research. Algiers, Scientific International Meeting about the Algerian Scandinavian relations March 12-14.
- Östlund, J. (2013). The presence of Africans in Sweden during the eighteenth century.
- Östlund, J. (2013). The Swedish Involvement in the Trans-Mediterranean Slave Trade, Serfdom and Slavery in the European Economy, 11th-18th centuries during the 18th Century. Prato (Italy) 14-18 April.
- Stenfeldt, J. (2012). Dissecting the Moral Use of History. The Reception of "Bloodlands" and "The Black Book of Communism".
- Zander, U. (2012). The Scarlet Pimpernel of the Holocaust. Raoul Wallenberg as a History Cultural Symbol.
- Zander, U. (2012). What Can a Monument Tell?.
- Östlund, J. (2012). Making Sense of Pirates : Swedish Intellectual and Political Discourse on Pirates and Pirate States, 1716-1727.
- Gillis, C. & Wallette, A. (2011). Essay SI - Taking SI to a Higher Level.
- Salomon, K. (2011). Fiktionaliseringens betydelse för historievetenskapen.
- Salomon, K. & Johansson, K. (2011). Virtuell historiekultur.