Konferensbidrag (sida 2 av 6)
- Zander, U. (2019). The Memory of the Holocaust in Sweden.
- Enquist Källgren, K. (2018). Begrepp för de sociala formernas historia.
- Santesson, S., Hetherington, L., Josefsson, G., Lindstedt Cronberg, M., Nillasdotter, K., Smaragdi, M. & Wadsö-Lecaros, C. (2018). Studenters skrivande : Brister, förväntningar, ansvar. I Bergqvist Rydén, J. & Larsson, M. (Red.) Om samverkan, mångfald och mellanmänskliga möten : Proceedings från Lunds universitets pedagogiska utvecklingskonferens 2017 (pp. 121-127). Avdelningen för högskolepedagogisk utveckling, Lunds universitet.
- Zander, U. (2018). Utopia, Dystopia or Somewhere In-between? Sweden, the Second World War and the Moral Turn.
- Bechmann Pedersen, S. (2017). On Holiday behind the Iron Curtain : Western Tourism to Communist Europe.
- Edgren, L. (2017). Religionskritik, republik och revolution : Tidningen Fäderneslandet på 1850- och 1860-talen.
- Edgren, L. (2017). Republikanism och antiklerikalism : 'Fäderneslandet' och 'Folkets tidning' omkring 1860.
- Nilsson Hammar, A. (2017). Digital History Didactics : Challenges and Possibilities of Digitized Cultural Heritage to Teaching and Learning in Higher Education.
- Santesson, S., Josefsson, G., Lindstedt Cronberg, M., Nillasdotter, K., Smaragdi, M. & Wadsö-Lecaros, C. (2017). Studenters skrivande - brister, förväntningar, ansvar.
- Stenfeldt, J. (2017). Ideological Reorientation as a Learning Process : The Case of Sven Olov Lindholm.
- Zander, U. (2017). Allan Kastrup and the Swedish-American Connection.
- Zander, U. (2017). Great patriotic media : Transnational film, nationalistic politics – the case of The Brest Fortress/Fortress of War (2010).
- Johansson, R., Brunnström, P., Björk, F., Håkansson, P., Lindholm, T., Lundberg, S. & Ristilammi, P.-M. (2016). New voices in the narratives of the city.
- Nilsson Hammar, A. (2016). Starting small : Reflections on an attempt at small scale collaboration between historians and the University Library at Lund University.
- Werner, Y. M. (2016). Clerical sisters and feminine priests : Gender constructions among Catholic missionaries in the Nordic Countries in the era of Ultramontanism.
- Werner, Y. M. (2016). Concepts and Ideas of Masculinity in Catholicism and Protestantism in the 19th and 20th Centuries : Some Reflections on Recent Research.
- Werner, Y. M. (2016). Gender und Globalgeschichte : Perspektiven auf Religion und Konfession im Zeitalter der Moderne.
- Werner, Y. M. (2016). In defence of the fundamental values of society: an analysis of blasphemy trials and debates in Sweden around 1900.
- Zander, U. (2016). Somewhere in Scandinavia 1939–45 : Moving Images and the Second World War Across Scandinavian Borders.
- Zander, U. (2016). What’s in a Date? : The Politics of Memory and the End of the Second World War in Europe.
- Östlund, J. (2016). Slave trade and slave labour at the Swedish consulates in North Africa : a study into the networks of slavery and the use of unfree Africans and Europeans 1730-1850.
- Östlund, J. (2016). Swedish ransom diplomacy in Ottoman North Africa.
- Berggren, L. (2015). Metall och arbetsmiljöfrågorna 1975-2005.
- Eklöf Amirell, S. (2015). Female Rule in the Indian Ocean World (1300-1900).
- Fryksén, G. (2015). Swedish trade and intelligence in the Mediterranean : Consular incentives towards commercial expansion 1723-1763.