Digital History

DigitalHistory@Lund is an interdepartmental research platform dedicated to advancing digital history research at Lund University. It works to integrate existing digital history projects and supports the design and execution of new projects. At the same time, the platform strives to build local digital history capacity through skills training workshops, research seminars, research engineer support, and by developing new courses in digital history.

We help researchers develop new cutting-edge historical projects, e.g. by supporting the collection, cleaning, and analysis of data, and by preparing grant applications. Feel free to get in touch at any stage of your project - from the first idea to the final dissemination. See contact details here.

DigitalHistory@Lund is an initiative by the Section for Media History in close collaboration with Lund Centre for the History of Knowledge (LUCK) and Lund University Humanities Lab. The platform works with Lund University Libraries and other GLAM-partners in Sweden. It is funded by the Joint Faculties of Humanities and Theology. 

Sidansvarig: sofia.hermanssonhist.luse | 2024-12-06