Study history A-Z
The literature list is found on your course webpage. This literature needs purchasing or borrowing. Sometimes texts are provided in your course learning platform Canvas, or accessible as e-text at Lund University, see the library for more information.
To be able to easily move around in LUX, you need an access card, the LU-card. It also functions as your library card. The card costs nothing and it is fast and easy to get.
Teaching is done at the buildings SOL and LUX, the Humanities and Theology centre. For more information about the buildnings, see LUX & SOL:
Nations in Lund offer a broad assortment of activities for students. As a member, you can eat cheap food, apply for living arrangements, take part in sports, and visit night clubs. There are 13 nations in Lund and you can visit Studentlund to find one that fits you.
See your course syllabus for information about group exercises and seminars that are obligatory. Valid absence is compensated according to the teacher’s directions.
University studies are counted in Higher Education points, or credits (hp). The normal study time for a full-time course is one semester (30 hp-ECTS), 1.5 hp per week for 20 weeks. Such a full-time course is equivalent to a 40-hour work week. There are courses that are given with more or fewer points, at full-time or part-time pace.
We can only guarantee you instruction during the semester that you have been accepted for. Make sure that you are registered in your course in the study-documentation system Ladok. The subject of history has web-registration for all courses. You can also register with the administrator at the department.
If you are behind in your studies for some reason, and want to continue during a later semester, you may be able to do this. In this case, you must re-register for the course. It is not possible to have priority over others for a course that you have already been registered for – re-registration is done if there is room on the course. Students have the right to take exams according to an old syllabus and literature list one year after the course has changed; after this it is the rules and literature applicable for the present course that will be in effect. You can re-register at the administrator’s office during the semester. Read more about the university’s list of rights below. See also Approved leave from studies.
The reception is in the lobby in LUX. Here, you can book a study room, get a transcript of records, pay for parking, etc. Opening hours during the terms is normally weekdays 9:00-16:00.
As a student at Lund University you have a number of rights that, among others, the Department of History and your Student Union work to maintain. Read about the so-called list of rights.
The course’s schedule is found via the course webpage:
SI-PASS (Supplemental Instruction-Peer Assisted Study Sessions), or SI-mentors, helps students to succeed on their courses. In the history subject, this is only done on the Swedish courses in the First Circle. For more information, see European Centre for SI-PASS
If you become ill for a longer time, you are to inform The Swedish Agency for Social Insurance (Försäkringskassan). If you have been incapable of studies for more than 14 days, and not been reported as ill, you risk having to pay back student-aid. If you are home with a sick child or relative, you are to report this to CSN.
You do not need to report temporary illnesses to the department. However, it is important that you maintain a dialogue with the current teacher if you miss an obligatory part of your instruction, which will need to be made up. Absence from the introductory meeting should always be reported to the administrator, otherwise you may loose your place.
Students writing their thesis are recommended to organize their own academic writing group.
See Instructions for academic writing groups (Skrivargrupper):
- Instructions for academic writing groups (in Swedish)
Scholarships are monetary gifts that can be applied for by, among others, students and researchers. Several scholarships are handed out by foundations and by applying to these as a student you have the possibility to cover costs for course literature, travel for thesis writing, and other costs during your studies. The Department of History has no scholarships of its own, but there are scholarships aimed specially to students in Lund.
You need your student identity to manage your student e-mail, register om courses, check your grades online, copy at the library, get a transcript of records etc. The department uses your LU email address when we communicate with students. This is needed as well to get access to the learning platform Canvas. Your student identity, including the password, is sent to the email address given to after you have been accepted to a course or programme or registered as a new student in Ladok. If you have problems with login in, have not received your student identity, or if you have forgotten your password, contact the support.
The supervision of education at Lund University is done by nine student-bodies comprised of associations of students studying the same subjects. By having student representation at all of the boards, a high quality of education can be maintained. The Department of History’s education is supervised by the Student Body of Humanities and Theology (HTS) through the student council at the department. If you have opinions about your education, you should contact the student-council.
Lund’s student life is comprised of a collective of several nations, student bodies, and the Academic Society (AF). Through a membership in Student you get, as a student, access to interesting lectures, supervision of education, scholarships, inexpensive living arrangements, good food, night clubs, and other exciting activities. The large majority of activities at the student organizations in Lund are only available for members of Studentlund. You can become a member in Studentlund by applying on their webpage:
As a student at Lund University, you may have the opportunity to study abroad at another university. You should apply through The International Office on the Faculties of Humanities and Theolog.
You can view details of your studies or download transcripts of records at the study documentation system Ladok via the Student Portal. If you need a certificate, or transcript of records, for your studies with a signature and a stamp, you can get this from the administrator (or the academic advisor) at the department, or at the reception in LUX.
If you notice already at the start that you are not going to be able to finish the course, you should give notice about this so-called early pause within three weeks via the Student Portal or to our administrator. By making an early non-completion you will have the opportunity to apply as usual for the same education in a later semester. After the first three weeks, students who wish to end their studies can pause their studies. It is not possible to have priority over others for a course that you have already been registered for. For re-registration, see Registration and re-registration.
Different types of examination are used in the department’s courses. For example, written exams, oral exams, and take-home exams can be used. See your course syllabus for information about the examination form used in your course. Read more on examination
The academic-year is comprised of two semesters. The fall semester starts the Monday falling closest to the 1st of September and goes for 20 weeks. The spring semester starts 20 weeks after the start of the autumn semester’s start (often around 18-19 January), and goes for 20 weeks until around June 7th. During the terms, there are no breaks.
Course literature to be borrowed for students of history is primarily available at the LUX library. There are also study areas here. You can print from the computers in the library, and you can also copy. To be able to print, copy, and borrow, you need a library card and student ID (see Student account).
The Department of History belongs to the LUX-library, which in turn belongs to HT-libraries – but as a student in Lund you can use all libraries at the university.
Read more about how you can get a LU-card, and create a borrower’s account, at the HT-libraries’ webpage.
Aside from the course webpage, all of our teachers use a teaching platform called Canvas. Information about Canvas is given by the teacher. Notice that the student id is used to gain access to the course in Canvas for registrered stduents. For registration, see Student accounts/LU-account.
CSN, The Swedish Board for Student Finance, which works with the loans and grants that can be granted to students. Contact CSN if you have questions about loans and student aid.
You manage your e-mail with your student identity, see Student account (LU).
History can be the major of a Bachelor’s degree as well as one and two-year Master’s degrees. When it is time to apply for a degree certificate, you will find the forms and instructions on Lund University Degree Office’s webpage. Follow the link below for more information about how a degree in history might look.
The Ordinance for Higher Education’s 10th chapter states that “Disciplinary measures may be invoked against students who use prohibited aids or other methods to attempt to deceive during examinations or other forms of assessment of study performance.” This leads to warnings or expulsion from university studies. Students involved in disciplinary cases may seek support and advice from the Studentombud at Lund University Student Unions.
Avoid copying the whole, or parts, of a text. Plan your studies so that you are not tempted to do so when pressed for time. The academic approach to work is built upon gathering ideas from others - and then it is important to make proper use of the techniques to inform where the thoughts/ideas came from. You cannot use the same home-exam for different courses.
Get more information about how to avoid plagiarism and academic dishonesty:
As a student, you have the right to compensation if you are subject to an accident during your studies.
KLIO is an association for students and former students at the Department of History for meeting similarly minded people. Every semester the association arranges lectures on historical themes, dinners, game nights, and other fun activities. Go and be a history nerd.
Compendiums are collections of course literature that have been put together by your teacher. These compendiums are available for free at your course in the learning platform Canvas, or can be purchased in a paper form at the LUX reception in the lobby. For opening hours, see their webpage.
Evaluations are arranged for most of the sub-courses and for all courses. A copy of the summarization is available at the department. Contact the Director of Studies if you wish to know more.

On this page you will find the answer to specific questions on studying at our department, in alphabetical order.
If you cannot find the information you need, look at Lund University’s webpage:
Note that exchange students might have other instructions, please consult your coordinator!
Application/acceptance | Approved leave from studies | Attendance | Career Services | Certificate of study and certificate of grades | Compendiums | Course Evaluations | Credits | CSN/Student_Finance | Canvas |Deferment of studies when admitted | Degrees | Dishonesty and plagiarism | E-mail | Examination | Illness | Instruction | Insurance | KLIO | Ladok | Library and library cards | Literature | Lost and Found | LU-card | LUX & SOL | Nations | Pausing your studies | Reception | Registration and re-registration | Schedule | Scholarships | Semesters | SI-PASS | Student account/LU-account | Student Council | Student Rights | Studentlund | Study abroad | Syllabus | Writing groups
Students taking separate courses cannot take a pause in their studies. Instead, a re-registration at a later time is done as space allows. See Registration and re-registration. If you are studying on a degree programme, you can apply for approved leave from studies, if you need to take a break for some reason. Contact the academic advisor for information.
All applications to courses or programmes in the subject history are done via Up-to-date course offerings are gathered on one webpage. Please note that all courses are not offered every semester. More information for our courses and programmes on Applications and Acceptance. For a guide to the online application, see Courses in English.
The Department of History cooperates with the career services-coordinator for Humanities and Theology. There are services here aimed at those who are studying at the Faculties of Humanities and Theology as concerning contact with working life during and after your studies.
Career Services is located in the SOL-Centre (Absalon House, bottom floor, room A141b).